Many types of work include some risk factors, from falls to being injured by manufacturing machinery. Most accidents can happen without warning and may be caused by the negligence of another or the company itself. If you are hurt at work, you may not know where to begin when it comes to reporting your injury. Understanding the procedure before an accident occurs can help you protect your rights in the aftermath.

  1. Report the Injury Right Away

Some injuries may not seem serious enough to report when they first happen, like a pulled muscle or what seems like a minor cut. However, because these can grow worse over time or become infected, it is important you report any injury to your manager right away so proper protocol can be followed. If you fail to reveal your injury, the company may be within their rights to refuse you medical coverage or allow you time off to heal.

  1. Talk to Witnesses

If any of your co-workers witnessed the accident, let your employer know who they are so they can give an account of what they saw. This can be especially important if a machine malfunction caused your injury. Ask if there may be security footage of the indecent. If another coworker’s negligence caused the injury, report their name and the nature of the negligent act. Depending on the nature of the accident, you may have to file a third-party claim against the individual responsible.

  1. Do Not Leave the Building

If you leave work without reporting your injury, you run the risk of losing your rights to compensation. Once you exit the building, your employer cannot verify that the accident happened at work or once you went home. Remaining in the building and reporting the accident before you leave, even if you are not feeling much pain, can help you safeguard your rights.

  1. File a Workers’ Compensation Claim

Ask your manager for a workers’ compensation form so you can file your claim as soon as possible. Most states have a filing deadline, so it is important that you speak with your supervisor about the paperwork as soon as possible. If your employer does not carry workers’ compensation insurance, you may want to contact an attorney to plan your next step in getting compensated for your medical bills and recovery time.

When you are injured at work, reporting the injury properly can be a major factor in gaining compensation. Contact an attorney today for additional information about workers’ compensation and any other questions you may have about your work-related injury.


Source: New York Workers Compensation Lawyers, Polsky, Shouldice & Rosen, P.C.