If you are dealing with a child custody case, you need to understand how visitation works and how using electronics works with the visitation rights. Keeping connected to your child is even more important when someone else has custody of them for part or all of the time.
But you might not know what visitation rights are. Visitation rights are when one parent has custody of a child this means that the child lives with that parent and that parent takes care of the child’s everyday needs, on the other side of the spectrum the other parent who does not have custody year may have limited custody still has visitation with the child. The court will decide how and when the other parent can spend time with the child. The extent of visitation is based on the best interest of the child.
Visitation may involve setting specific dates for visits or it might allow for more flexibility. For example a parent might have his child every other Sunday, or they may have a more flexible schedule that might take into account work schedules, holiday, school vacation, summer break and more. But more often these days visitation incorporates an electronic communication system.
This makes sense due to the fact that electronics are in every part of our modern-day lives. But what are the rules on electronic communication and visitation? The court can consider whether they want to allow electronic communications between a parent and the child of a former visitation, for example electronic communications might include phone calls, text, email or video chats. However a judge must decide whether electronic communication is in the child’s best interest as well as deciding whether the appearance of access to appropriate electronic equipment. As the judge decides the lifetime interest in the guidelines on the parent child.
The court may set hours during which, require parents to share password access and so, require parents the cost of the communication devices, such as splitting the phone bill, the court also ordered supervision of electronic communications just as it does for in-person visit.
Another question you may have is how electronic communications were placed in person visitation? It depends on the state, but most states do agree that electronic communications are not a substitute for in-person visitation or custody. It is to be used as a supplement visitation, not a replacement. The fact that the child has electronic contact with. Should not be persuasive when a parent wants to move out of the area or out-of-state. In addition electronic communications when there are children cannot be years as a factor in calculating child payments.
We got a child custody lawyer if you would like to discuss adding electronic visitation to your custody agreement. Your lawyer is going to be able to tell you the laws in your state about it, they are going to be able to walk the process, they’re going to be able to tell you what is and is not considered court advised electronic communication.