Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

If you have been a victim of workplace discrimination, you have a right to contact a workplace discrimination attorney for assistance in filing a claim against those responsible. Employment lawyers have been assisting victims of workplace discrimination for many years, and are available to meet and discuss how they may be able to help with your case.

As an employment lawyer in El Paso, TX from a firm like Davie & Valdez, P.C. can explain, one of the most prevalent types of employee discrimination is sexual harassment. This type of discrimination is illegal under both state and federal laws. Sexual harassment in the workplace is defined as any unwelcome comment, sexual advance, or request for sexual favors in which submission or rejection of the behavior has an effect on the employee’s position or their actual employment. However, the line of what is acceptable behavior and what is sexual harassment often becomes blurry. It is critical for both employers and employees to understand the definitions of workplace sexual harassment.

There are two different types of workplace sexual harassment. The first is referred to as quid pro quo, which means “something for something” in Latin. When terms of an employee’s job are connected to whether or not they acquiesce to the sexual demands or advances that are being placed upon them.  

The second type of workplace sexual harassment is hostile work environment. This is often a more subtle form of harassment and can be harder to prove. Making an employee feel uncomfortable because of sexual comments, jokes or innuendos are often forms this type of sexual harassment takes. The behavior can also take place electronically, via email or by text messages, as well as in person.

All companies, no matter what their size, should have clear, concise policies in place regarding sexual harassment. These policies should be in writing, with an updated version given to employees on an annual basis. All employees should be required to acknowledge in writing that they have received the policy.

The policy guidelines should include the following stipulations:

·       There should be a person or department where employees can go to file complaints of sexual harassment.

·       There should be a procedure in place of what the “chain of command” will be regarding any complaints that an employee does file. It should also be decided who will have the authority to take whatever action is necessary regarding the complaint.

Contact a Workplace Discrimination Attorney Today

If you have been a victim of workplace sexual harassment, you do not have to go through this process alone. Employment attorneys have extensive legal experience in employment and labor laws and will be able to help navigate you through this often complex and overwhelming process. In addition to filing your complaint, the right lawyer can also assist in pursuing damages against your employer and any other parties who may be liable for the harassment you suffered.